Information for BYU Students

Academic Dishonesty

As a student at Brigham Young University you are bound by the Honor Code to conduct your life ethically and honorably. For purposes of the Testing Center, we consider the following to be academically dishonest:

  • Copying from another person's work during an examination.
  • Allowing someone to copy from you during an examination.
  • Using unauthorized materials during an examination.
  • Taking an examination for another individual or permitting another individual to take an exam for you.
  • Obtaining or providing to another individual an un-administered test or answers to an un-administered test.
  • Removing or attempting to remove a test, its answers, or any portion thereof from the Testing Center

Consistent with the expectations of the University Honor Code, individuals caught engaging in any of the above-described behaviors will be referred to the Honor Code Office and to their instructor for appropriate disciplinary action.

What You'll Need to Take a Test

  • Your Student ID card, a government-issued ID card, or a current picture ID including BYU ID app.
  • A #2 pencil for multilpe choice tests- If you don't have a #2 pencil, you may purchase a pencil at the Testing Center for 35¢.
  • Any other materials necessary for your test as authorized by your instructor- You will not be able to use any materials which your instructor did not authorize.
  • Late fees. If you take a test during the designated late fee period for your exam, the late fee will be charged to your student account.
  • The correct date and times for your test- You can find out when your test will be administered through your My Exams page. Please note any special end dates for your test (for example, tests can end at 2:00 pm on the last day) and be aware they represent the last possible time when you can start your test and not the time you need to be finished.
  • Plenty of time to take your test. Please note the time the Testing Center closes (click Here to view our hours). You will not be allowed to stay and finish your test after the Testing Center closes.

As a reminder, please make sure you observe all Dress and Grooming standards. If you are violating BYU's Dress and Grooming standards, you may be denied a test.


If you need a calculator for your test, we will provide a basic scientific calculator if authorized by your instructor.


Any money we charge (whether it be for a late fee, pencil, etc.) will be charged to your University Financial Account. We do not accept cash or Cougar Cash. Once our charges have been posted on your Financial Account, you will be able to pay via Credit Card or Electronic check. To access your Financial Account, go to myBYU and select School > My Financial Center.

Cell Phones

Before entering the testing room, you must turn off your cell phone. Any use of a cell phone is strictly prohibited.

ACT Residual

Currently enrolled BYU students may take the ACT Residual exam. The test score from the Residual examination is only valid at BYU and may not be transferred to another college or university. To take the test, you need to be approved by Enrollment Services in D-148 ASB. The cost is $90 which must be paid at the Enrollment Services windows (D-155 ASB). Enrollment Services will schedule a time for you to take your examination. The test is usually given the first Friday of each month at 9am.