Basic Info

This is a quick overview of the Testing Center. For more in-depth information, please visit our Policies and Procedures or Help pages. 


Testing Center Operations

The administration of human-proctored exams continues to be a viable option for high-stakes exams at BYU. Operations at the Testing Center include scheduling, administering, and proctoring exams.  The Testing Center also provides batch scoring for exams adminstered via bubble sheets, administration of online exams via controlled Chromebooks, and exam services for students who qualify for accommodations through the University Accessibility Center(UAC). As part of the Center for Teaching and Learning, Testing Center and CTL consultants work with faculty, when requested, to hep improve their assessments (regardless of where those assessments are administered). Consulting Services include topics such as: exam data analysis, alignment with learning outcomes, learning-centered feedback, etc. 


Types of Assessment

  1. Objective (machine-scored) exams. Bubble sheets are scanned immediately and scores are kept on the Testing Center site and the gradebook in Learning Suite. When writing a Testing Center scored exam, please keep in mind the following system limitations: maximum of 160 questions per test, maximum of 10 options per question (A–J or 1–10), True/False are the first two bubbles of each line.
  2. Online, human-proctored exams (class size of 150 students or smaller).Testing Center Chromebooks are securely setup for online exams in tandem with traditional proctoring. To schedule use of the Chromebooks, contact the Testing Center Manager at
  3. Written exams. Instructor scored essays, written fomulas, graphing, translations, etc. Completed exams are picked up following administration and graded at a later time. 
  4. Combination or two-part exams. The Testing Center-graded bubble sheets are kept with the instructor-scored portion for easy pickup after administration. 


BYU Honor Code Enforcement

  1. Academic Honesty. All exams received and administered at the Testing Center are handled precisely and securely. Testing Center proctors are specifically trained to look for student behaviors not permissible in a secure testing environment. Per Testing Center Policy, incidents of possible cheating are documented by the Testing Center Operations Manager and forwarded to instructors and to the Honor Code Office. 
  2. Dress and Grooming. The University has instructed the Testing Center to enforce the dress and grooming standards specified in the Honor Code


Test Scheduling

Exam scheduling opens as follows: Fall Semester opens July 1st,  Winter Semester opens November 1st, Spring/Summer Terms open March 15th. We strongly encourage you to request your exam dates early in the semester, as space is limited. Tests must be scheduled via Faculty >> Schedule/Edit Test Dates.

  • Choose the green button that says “Request New Test Dates at the Provo Testing Center.”
  • Request your dates in the boxes provided. Recommendations for number of testing days are located on the right hand side of the screen.
  • Late fees are hard coded for Fall and Winter semesters.
  • Once you have submitted your request, your exam will show as “Pending” until an administrator approves your dates.


Number of Test Copies

When you deliver your test booklets, make sure to provide enough copies for your students. For a non-scored (NS) or a two-part test, one copy per student is required. For bubble sheet only tests, please provide copies equal to one-third the number of students taking the exam.


Test Delivery

Once your test has been scheduled and setup (see, you will need to deliver the booklets to our office (265 HGB) before 12:00 noon the day before the exam is scheduled to start (10:45am on Tues).


Test Pick-Up

Administered tests are available for pick-up in our office at 1pm the business day after the test closes. We allow professors and individuals they have approved to pick-up tests. All must present their photo ID and sign our pick-up roster.


Final Exams

Scheduling for final exams will be done on a first-come, first-served basis  and must meet the following criteria:

  • All finals must be written so as not to exceed three hours.
  • All finals must be scheduled by the first day of December for Fall Semester Finals and by the first day of April for Winter Semester Finals, or until capacity is reached. 
  • Final exams must be available through the entire finals week.

Final exams need to be delivered to our office by noon on the second to last day of classes.


Batch Test Scoring

We are able to score your objective (multiple choice) tests here at the Testing Center. Blue answer sheets are required and can be purchased from the Testing Center. Bring completed answer sheets, along with the test key (also on a blue answer sheet), and we will have them scored by noon the next business day. You will be asked to fill out a form with scoring information when you drop off the tests.

Students must code in their student number or Net ID on their bubble sheets or the student will not receive a score.


Testing Center Hours

The Testing Center hours (for students taking exams) are:

Fall and Winter Semesters

M: 8am to 7pm, last test handed out at 6pm

T-F: 8am to 10pm, last test handed out at 9pm

Sat: 10am to 4pm, last test handed out at 3pm

Spring and Summer Terms

M: 10am to 7pm, last test handed out at 6pm

T: 12pm to 9pm, last test handed out at 8pm

W-Th: 10am to 9pm, last test handed out at 8pm

F: 8am to 5pm, last test handed out at 4pm

Sat: 10am to 2pm, last test handed out at 1pm

Finals Hours are posted two weeks before final exams begin. 


Admin Office Hours

The Testing Services Administrative Office (for exam drop off/pick up) hours are:

Monday–Friday: 8am-12pm, 1pm-5pm

CLOSED: During devotionals/forums, Saturdays, and all university holidays


Contact Information

Admin Office Location: 265 Heber Grant Bldg (HGB)

Office Phone Number: (801) 422-6147
